Toyota C-HR Launch Campaign

As part of the european launch of the new Toyota C-HR, I worked on the web design and social media for Toyota Europe. The Toyota C-HR has a striking design, I wanted to keep the design clean and minimal that would really allow the car to show off.

To be part of a European launch for one of the largest car companies was a great opportunity. Our head of design worked on the shoot to create some beautiful images that really showed off the agressive muscular design of the Toyota C-HR. I put together a moodboard that had more of a editoral feel, like a car magazine. With such great images it was clear they needed to be the focus. Along with the web design I worked on a series of social media animations.


Web design, Social media, Motion


Toyota Europe




Web Design

Taking the editorial feel, I chose the images that really showed off the lines of the car. Once i had those it was to break the content up, letting the images be the focus and for the copy to be the accent to them. Connected to the image using simple outline squares. Using this negative space to allow the page to flow from one section to the other.



To add another level to the experience, I wanted to add motion to the site. As the user scrolls down the images have a parallax effect. To give more emphasis for the outlined squares to show the connection between content and image I animatied them on as you scrolled as well as fading in the body copy.

Social Media

As part of the launch I worked with creatives to create a series of social media animations that would highlight the design asthetic of the Toyota C-HR and provide intrigue for the launch.


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© Ant Barwick 2019